VITAFIT - portal za zdravo in aktivno življenje

Zdrava družba je etična družba

Si predstavljate družbeno ureditev, kjer se vsi med seboj spoštujemo. Razmišljamo nekako takole: jaz ne bom tebi storil nič takega, kar ne želim, da bi se zgodilo meni. Si predstavljate? Takšno si predstavja družbo v prihodnostni Miro Mihec, ki bo predaval o etični družbi v sredo, 27.3. na Univerzni v Mariboru, Slomškov trg 15, ob 17.uri. Vstop v Podreccino dvorano je brezplačen.

Predavanje “Is an ethical company even possible?” bo potekalo v angleškem jeziku.


Miro Mihec
Miro Mihec

” What is ethics? What is ethical for me and what is ethical for you? This is a similar question as: »What is the truth?« For me it might be different than for you.

Although we know that killing people is not ethical, today’s society does that. Violating of the laws – we may be fined if anyone catches us or sees us in an unlegal action. But if this happens, where is our conscience? Universal consciouness “observe” us all the time. We are also seen by God or the laws of Karma, or whatever else determines the way we choose to lead our life.

The society is developing according to the collective human conscience. The higher the number of people who raise their consciousness is, the closer we get to achieving ethichal society. The difference between today’s society and an ethical society is in awareness. Our thoughts and actions influence other people and also ourselves; all we do or think is stored as a form of energy. This energy may be in different vibration – love or fear. The same kind of energy we give out comes back to us, and when we finally acknowledge this, laws will become reduntant. The ethical society awaits us.”


Več razmišljanje o razvoju etične družbe v slovenščini lahko najdete na facebook profilu Etična družba: http://www.facebook.com/promotor.etike?ref=ts&fref=ts




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